Trim around sensitive areas to maintain cleanliness and prevent discomfort
Gentle cleaning of the inside of the ears and a slight trimming of unruly hair.
Cleaning your pet's teeth to maintain hygeine.
Taking care of your pet's nails, improving personal hygiene.
Paws soaked, nails trimmed/buffed, paws moisturized and hair around trimmed
back for a rounded, clean look.
Using only non toxic nail polish created especially for your pets and a light paw trim.
Taking your furry friends out to stretch their legs!
(Peanut butter or healthy treats approved by you) For enrichment if your pet is staying a bit longer!
Refresh food/water and scoop litter.
Up to $25. Prices may vary from case to case.
Can be shared between up to 3 pets.
I travel up to 30 miles from the Spa so fees are as follows:
under 15 miles: $5
16-30 miles $10+
2+ pets travel fee reduced if beyond these limits