Rehabilitation Massage; full session

Rehabilitation Massage; full session

The main objective to rehabilitation massage is to stimulate the body’s immune response to encourage healing and provide comfort. My goal is to influence and aid in the natural healing process or compliment a veterinarian’s treatment plan. Some but not all benefits are: stimulating local circulation, decreasing local inflammation, aiding in healthy scar tissue formation, remodeling old/weak scar tissue, releasing stubborn adhesions, and so much more. A few techniques that I have been certified for are: Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), Sunburst technique (to help with local swelling) and full body circulation massage.

Candidates for rehabilitation massage are: animals who are weakened due to illness or injury, hospitalized pets, animals with nutritional issues, shelter animals, animals that are on strict rest, and many other reasons. Sometimes an animal just might need a mini rehab massage to improve circulation, depression, and help with boredom when they are confined due to strict rest.

Typically rehabilitation massages are planned every 3-5 days or 1 time a week for a set time then we will reassess our plan.

Typically rehabilitation massages are planned every 3-5 days or 1 time a week for a set time then we will reassess our plan.

This session is offered in home, during drop in services, and at the Spa.

Plus travel fee

“Until One Has Loved an Animal, a Part of One’s Soul Remains Unawakened.” - Anatole France

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