Relaxation Drop-Ins

Relaxation Drop-Ins

The Relaxation Drop In session is designed to provide your pet with a brief yet soothing experience that can help alleviate stress and promote overall well-being. During this visit, I will refresh your pet's food and water, take them outside for a break, and then give them a gentle, 15-minute Relaxation Massage. This massage focuses on calming the nervous system and easing any minor discomforts your pet may have. After the massage, your pet will have another opportunity for an outside break before I leave, ensuring they are comfortable and content until your return.


“Until One Has Loved an Animal, a Part of One’s Soul Remains Unawakened.” - Anatole France

Hello, fellow pet lover! I'm excited to connect with you and your furry companion. Please fill out the form below with your details, and I'll get back to you soon. Together, we'll embark on a journey toward the comfort and well-being of your beloved pet.