The Spa is now open! 

Sessions & Drop-Ins

Maintenance Massage; full session

This session offers your pet a complete, soothing massage experience from head through tail. It is an excellent choice for puppies all the way through senior dogs. Some of the physiological benefits are: improving oxygen supply to the cells; improving elimination of metabolic waste; helping relax the intestinal muscles; stimulating kidney and liver function; improving appetite; improving range of motion of the joints; depending on the tonicity of the muscles, relaxing or stimulating muscles to relieve soreness, stiffness, and weakness; stimulating motor nerves; helping to relieve pain; helping to relieve sleep issues and restlessness; helping a timid dog become more relaxed; improving breathing; helping drain stagnant lymph nodes; removing dead skin cells and shedding hair (immune support) to encourage new cell growth, which in turn improves their coat; and improving the skeletal alignment by relaxing tight muscles that are pulling on their bony attachments.

During the opening stage of the session, we begin with an update addressing any changes in behavior, activity, or new symptoms since our last visit. This helps me to know what to look for during my palpation stage of the massage. During this stage, I am looking for any heat, coldness, swelling, bruising, spasms, tension, atrophy or anything in the tissues that may feel abnormal.

After I have made my assessment, then the body stage of the massage begins. Next I will formulate a massage plan using Swedish Massage Techniques to address any of my findings. I design my massage sessions directly to help your pet, because not one size fits all. For example, I am not going to use Petrissage on an animal with atrophied muscles, whereas I would absolutely use it with an animal suffering from Hypertonic muscles. The point is, I create a completly customized session just for your pet.

The next stage is the stretching stage. During this time I make sure I gently stretch the areas we addressed to restore circulation and make sure the tissues are in a better state than where they were when we began.

The final stage is the closing stage. Using slow, gentle strokes to bring together all the work that was done and to leave the animal in a relaxed state. Without this stage, your pet may feel confused. Why would they feel confused? Imagine your completely relaxed from your massage, and your Practitioner was finishing up with your shoulders. She backs away and tells you she is done. How would you feel? You might feel, "Wait, what?" But in most cases this doesn't happen, they start at the top and gently stroke every area they worked on one last time. This brings together the entire session and they won't even have to say they are done, your parasympathetic nervous system has been activated and your at peace.

My Maintenance massage sessions are for maintaining your pet's overall health and happiness. Typically a Maintenance massage is 1-2 times a month.

This session is offered in home, during drop in services, and at the Spa.

$70.00 Plus travel fee

Keep in Touch

“Until One Has Loved an Animal, a Part of One’s Soul Remains Unawakened.” - Anatole France

Hello, fellow pet lover! I'm excited to connect with you and your furry companion. Please fill out the form below with your details, and I'll get back to you soon. Together, we'll embark on a journey toward the comfort and well-being of your beloved pet.